Monday, February 24, 2014

Gaston Takes Win Over Knappa and Moves Closer to Pendleton State Tourney

Gaston Greyhound varsity boys' team was victorious over Knappa on Saturday at Pacific University. We will plan Central Linn this Saturday, March 1st at 7:00 on our home court. Please come help support the Greyhounds as they work toward a slot in Pendleton. We need your support!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Boys Varsity Basketball Earns League Championship!

Our boys varsity basketball team earned league championship this year! We will play this Saturday at Pacific University at 5:30 PM. Please come cheer our team on to state! Great job coaches and thanks to parents for all of your support!

Senior Night for Basketball Players at Gaston High School

Senior basketball players were honored at the last home game of the season. Senior boys recognized were: Austin Morey, Austin Waibel, Abraham Diaz, Connor Chervin, and Saheat Berisha. Our honored senior girl was Tina Turner. We sure will miss them next year!

Abraham Diaz pictured

Austin Waibel pictured

Saheat Berisha pictured

Tina Turner pictured

Pep Assembly Fun

A pep assembly was held on Thursday, February 13th to honor our senior boys and girls that play basketball. Part of the fun was having classes eat pudding while trying to spell "greyhounds" with letters hidden in the pudding!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

News on Grading

January 2014

Dear Parents and Students,

The primary purpose for grading in our district is to communicate academic progress to students, their families, employers, and post-secondary institutions.  A grade should reflect what a student knows and is able to do in a course.

Beginning second semester at Gaston School District, report card grades will reflect progress on standards in each content area.  All grading and reporting will be based on state adopted standards, thus demonstrating understanding of concepts taught.   Attendance, attitude, behavior in class, and completion of practice work will be communicated separately via comments on the 5-12 report cards and personal development sections on the K-4 report cards.  

There are many reasons for this change:

·         The state requires that a student’s academic abilities toward grade level standards be reported using standards-based proficiency.

·         The growing emphasis on standards and performance assessments makes current reporting practices inadequate.

·         Oregon’s new graduation requirements include passing state exams in reading, writing and math in order to receive a regular diploma.

·         Course requirements to receive high school credit and meet college entrance requirements have become much more rigorous.

Gaston School District will be making changes to the existing report cards over the next few years as we transition towards reporting students’ proficiencies.  You will be notified of changes as they occur.
Throughout the year, newsletters and information on the district website will communicate additional aspects of our new grading system and common core.  As things evolve, please continue to check our district website ( for the most up-to-date information.  Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s school, principal, or teacher with questions or concerns.



Susan McKenzie, Principal GJSHS

Yvonne Rauch, Principal GES



Winter formal is set for February 15th from 8:00-11:00 at the High School.

Junior High Science

Hannah Ranes submitted this picture. The colors in the tubes are the results of an experiment completed in Mrs. Kent's science class. Beautiful!